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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Maternity Shopping!

Here we are…in the middle of week 7…and here I am…starting to show and sooooooo very thankful for maternity pants!! I love you maternity pants gods!! My regular clothes are just too fitted for me to be comfortable anymore.

No more sickness since Monday (scallops and pre-natal vitamins don’t mix). Got a bit nauseous last night at dance when we started Hustle with all the fast moving and turning so we had to stop, luckily that was at the end of practice. We started with the Waltz and it was great but the Hustle was just a bit too much for me.

After dance we headed to the town center to a shop called Destination Maternity (near West Marine). I tried on about 15 pants/capris/shorts. It was wonderful! Everything was so comfortable! I finally decided on 2 pairs of jean capri's, 1 pair of jeans (good for the winter too!), a top (all the rest looked like circus tents on me) and I splurged on a pair of nice black dress pants which are the most comfortable out of the bunch actually! The total was $206 (capri's and jeans $25, $35 and $45, the top was $24.95 on sale and the splurge was on the black pants for $78. I figured the pants would come in handy in the winter and for when I need to dress up...like tomorrow when we go to the University Club for $20 prime rib (which I will not be eating because steak doesn't sound appetizing to me right now). I also for some reason got $15 off...which was really cool! They also have this belly you put on under your clothes to see how big you're gonna get! It was a 7 month belly plus my 2 month belly equals 9 months!! It was big (and a wee bit scary) but it wasn't too bad...I guess I just had this image in my head of a belly so big I couldn't see where I was going! Silly I know.

The people were so nice there! They helped me figure out what size I needed...xs/s and she came over every few minutes to take my items and put them in the fitting room. They had a section with comfy chairs and a large screen tv on ESPN for the dad's and a "fenced" in kids play area with toys and a tv showing kids shows. They have work clothes, casual clothes, bathing suits, bra's, undies, pj's, and a section with baby stuff like diaper bags and toys and books. Some of their stuff is expensive like $120 pair of jeans, a $78 shirt and a $128 dress (which is what I took the "belly" picture in) but there is a reason it's all so expensive...it's WONDERFUL!!! I was frugal and got good deals (for the most part) but my experience there just made me feel better! Greg was getting cranky when we left because he was hungry...luckily we came home to a cooked meal of delicious pot roast Gloria made us! Which I was so disappointed when I could only eat half of what was on my plate!! I didn't want to stop eating it! Not even fair! Greg ended up eating my other half. I was crying inside...lol.

The spelling for Haiden we decided on is with an I because the double A just looked too weird. Anyway...can't wait to find out! A few more weeks of cooking and we should know!

A picture of my purchases!

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