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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

20 Weeks! Our Little Cantaloupe!

Our little Haiden is now the size of a Cantaloupe! About 6.5 inches long and 10 ounces! He is practicing swallowing and digesting by swallowing amniotic fluid. And his taste buds are starting to work...so I guess that means I better start eating all the good-for-you things so he will have a taste for them when he is older.

We had a midwife appointment last week which went really well. Everything is where it is suppose to be and the sound of his heart beat always puts a smile on my face. She asked if he was moving and kicking but didn't need an answer from me because he kicked the Doppler monitor while we were listening to his heart (he's already my little trouble maker!). We talked about some natural face products I can use to help control my hormone charged breakout sessions (thanks for that Haiden) and she gave us some information on childbirth classes. The most exciting part of the whole visit was the weigh in...(who would've thought I'd say that!)...I've only gained 7.5 pounds and I'm already halfway through! Let's just hope this trend continues...I am weary about gaining a lot of weight, my appetite has already come back at full force and I seem to stay hungry these days. Maybe it will taper off?Hey, I can dream can't I?

The living room/kitchen remodel is about 95% complete. The finishing touches always take the longest (in my opinion anyway). The dining room and laundry room are still in the process...they are about 75% complete. The painting in the dining room needs to be finished, the chandelier hung, the trim needs to be bought and put up and the blinds put back up then we can move the furniture back in. The laundry room is amazing...it's a room now!! We still have to fix one section of drywall behind the NEW WATER HEATER!! Hot water...what a wonderful thought! And the new AC vent means no more sauna! We have to finish priming and painting in there then we will be done with the initial remodel phase. The old kitchen floors in the laundry room look great and most importantly they were free, so we saved a little money and the planet at the same time by recycling...makes ya feel a little tingly inside don't it? :)

Things still to do:
Well, that list could go on for days! We still have to get cabinets for the laundry room, curtains for the living and dining rooms, a new bar, and possibly a new kitchen (our old one looks too country for our more contemporary living space), hook up the cable, get the electrician back out to fix a couple now powerless outlets, buy and hang ceiling fans in the living room....see I told you the list goes on and on. But the good news is we are back living in our house and we can do those things as the time and funds become available.

Next up: The master bathroom and the nursery...I'm pretty sure the list of things to do will never be complete, even if we lived there 100 years. But that's ok...it's about the journey not the destination.

Thanks so much to all who helped, we couldn't have done it without you! And thanks to Tommy and Gloria for lending us the left side of their house and their patience with us and our entourage of pups...Greg wouldn't have been able to survive the dust (plus I probably would have killed him in those close quarters). We have the best friends and family!

Things are finally settling down, well, as much as they do for us...our calendars seem to fill so fast. We were thinking of doing a cocktail hour sometime this weekend so those who haven't seen the remodel and would like to can stop by...I'll let you know more about that closer to the weekend.

Here are the afters...hope you enjoy! There are still a lot of finishing touches to do and the dining room and laundry room still have to be completed...there will be more pics as the project progresses.

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

From Singapore

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