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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We've Got A Kicker!

Exciting news! Last night as Greg and I were laying in bed, chatting about our day I felt a thump like feeling from the inside on the very bottom right of my tummy...I have felt that a few times before but it wasn't as pronounced and I explained it as the thumping of my heartbeat...(weird I know but strangely I can feel my pulse in my stomach and sometimes I can even see it...weird...I told you!). But last night it was a very distinct feeling and I was already paying attention to my pulse so I knew that couldn't be it...the kicks weren't in rhythm. After I felt it a second time I told Greg and he immediately went to feel but of course the kicks stopped and I'm not sure Greg would have been able to feel them anyway. There were a few more kicks and then a few more a little higher up. It was so cool...I had felt it before but didn't know what it was...now I know! How awesome! I can't wait to feel it again and I can't wait until Greg can feel them too...he is so excited!

Actually, even as I am typing this email, our little kicker is doing what he does best...I feel sorry for my organs...I can already tell they are going to be practice punching bags and soccer balls. At least I know our little one is doing well! I'm happy to sacrifice my organs for him. :)

Well, I hope you all have a great week! Only one more day till we find out the gender!

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