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Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'm ready to be a momma...no for real!

I woke up this morning about 5:30 (my new thing for some crazy reason) thinking about Haiden. (By now...if you hadn't already figured it out...we are about 95% sure it's a boy so we are calling him by his name HAIDEN HAYES!) I was thinking about him laying in bed with Greg and me, his tiny little body between Greg's and mine. I was thinking about his tiny fingers wrapped around mine and his tiny kicking legs and his little tongue doing what baby tongues do when they are hungry.

Thinking about that made me almost cry and I was so overwhelmed with joy and love for this little guy who is baking inside me. Seeing him on the ultrasound the other day and my expanding belly makes it more real. I have been ready to be a momma for some time but it hasn't been a real thought until recently. I am ready to hold him and love on him, give him lots of kisses and rock him to sleep every night. I am ready for the hard stuff too...like dirty diapers, sleepless nights and crying for reasons I won't be able to figure out. I am finally ready. I am over the shock phase, the "are you for real" phase and the "oh crap, our lives are gonna change" phase, now I'm on to the "I'm ready" phase. It sure is nice.

I'm certainly rocking the baby bump now...it's a little one but it's mine and I love it! I can understand why pregnant women always hold and touch their bellies now...I do it to. It's a constant reminder that your little one is safe and it's a bonding experience that I never expected. And it doesn't happen until your bump makes its appearance so it was completely unexpected. It is still a bit squishy at the top but is beginning to harden at the bottom...it's so neat! According to all the books and websites I should start to feel him in the next few weeks so I am very much looking forward to that.

The nausea is starting to dissipate and I am loving that! It still comes around when I eat a lot (well, relatively anyway) but I just try to take it easy and it usually passes. Some foods are absolute heaven to my taste buds...one being my morning toaster scramblers! I know, I know...they aren't as good for us as a hearty breakfast of fresh eggs, turkey bacon and whole wheat toast but I am lucky that it's even going down! Just the subtle flavors are a huge step for me and they make me so happy! Last weekend at Benny' at the Landing before Michael Buble I had an appetizer of calamari (which I shared of course) and a side salad...and then Mrs. Kathy's side salad. I just couldn't get enough for some reason and I didn't even get sick! It was so wonderful! The best night!

A few misc pictures I don't think I've shared yet...a cute whale jumper we got from Walmart ($7) and an adorable sailfish onesie...he's gonna be a mini Greg...I can already see it. I can't wait! I love the big one so much I can't even imagine the love I'm gonna feel for the little one! I am bursting with joy and happiness, what a wonderful feeling!

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